"Broke" book author Jamie Kalven will NOT be forced to testify or be pressured to reveal his sources on the story that revealed the details of the killing of teenager Laquan McDonald.
The New York Times reports that "Broke" book author Jamie Kalven faces legal harassment for just TELLING the Laquan McDonald story! Jamie wrote the chapter on the cost of police violence. Now, to that cost, Jamie must add the cost of his own defense and possible legal penalties!
"Broke" book author Jamie Kalven is being investigated! Read the story. Jamie's chapter calculates the cost of police abuse.
Congratulations to Jamie Kalven and his Invisible Institute crew for being selected by Chicago Magazine as being one of the reasons to LOVE Chicago! We love Jamie and all the amazing civic work he has done over the decades.
Crooked cops. A crooked prosecutor. A crooked judge. Files sitting in a basement for decades. Welcome to Chicago's corrupt law enforcement system! Read the story in the Chicago Tribune. Jamie Kalven offers this analysis of the proposed police oversight reforms being considered in City Council: "The city has in fact made significant progress over the last 10 months. The mayor's task force on police accountability proved independent and exceeded expectations with a report that was searching in its diagnosis and detailed in its prescriptions. Civil society groups—religious, legal, grass-roots—have entered vigorously into the process. And the walls of official secrecy that have long impeded effective police reform have continued to crumble." "Chicago Is Not Broke" contributor Jamie Kalven was profiled in this piece in NewCity from August 1, 2016. "One of Jamie Kalven’s covenants is to always speak up, to always do something when injustice rises up. Whether it’s writing a memoir on his wife’s healing after a violent sexual assault or to reporting on human rights abuses and neglect in the Stateway Gardens public housing project, Kalven refuses to keep quiet. The longtime social justice warrior and his nonprofit journalism outfit, the Invisible Institute, recently led a shakedown of the city and Chicago Police Department and there’s no stop in sight for the group and their collaborators. There’s more." |
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December 2017